
Bright and Colorful Classroom Supply Labels with Pictures – EDITABLE

Take your classroom organization to the next level with this set of stylish classroom supply labels!

This set includes a label for all of your classroom supply bins in a clean, stylish design with pops of bright colors your students will love. Each label features a bold black text over a clean white background with a coordinating graphic and includes over 130 different labels to help you label all of your classroom bins full of supplies!

File Type: ZIP, PDF, PPT
Number of Pages: 100



Take your classroom organization to the next level with this set of stylish classroom supply labels! This set includes a label for all of your classroom supply bins in a clean, stylish design with pops of bright colors your students will love. Each label features a bold black text over a clean white background with a coordinating graphic and includes over 130 different labels to help you label all of your classroom bins full of supplies!

What’s included

⭐️ 134 small labels measuring 3.3″ wide by 1.9″ tall
⭐️ 134 large labels measuring 4.5″ wide by 3.5″ tall
⭐️ editable PowerPoint files so you can create your own custom labels

Print a Label for Everything! Get ready to label all of your classroom supplies.
Two different sizes of the following bin labels are included in this set:

2-Sided Counters ⭐️ Awards ⭐️ Band Aids ⭐️ Base 10 Blocks⭐️ Batteries ⭐️ Bean Bags ⭐️ Binder Clips ⭐️ Binders ⭐️ Bingo Dotters⭐️  Books ⭐️ Brass Fasteners ⭐️ Bubbles ⭐️ Building Blocks ⭐️ Buttons ⭐️ Calculators ⭐️ Cell Phones ⭐️ Chalk ⭐️ Circle Toys ⭐️ Clip Boards ⭐️ Clocks ⭐️ Clothes Pins ⭐️ Colored Paper ⭐️ Colored Pencils ⭐️ Colored Tiles ⭐️ Compass Tools ⭐️ Construction Paper ⭐️ Cotton Balls ⭐️ Cotton Swabs ⭐️ Counting Bears ⭐️ Crayons ⭐️ Dice ⭐️ Dominos ⭐️ Dry Erase Markers ⭐️ Envelopes ⭐️ Erasers ⭐️ Fancy Scissors ⭐️ Felt Tip Pens ⭐️ Fidget Toys ⭐️ File Folders ⭐️ Flash Cards ⭐️  Flashlights ⭐️ Geoboards ⭐️ Glitter ⭐️ Glue Bottles ⭐️ Glue Sticks ⭐️ Graph Paper ⭐️ Hand Sanitizer ⭐️ Handwriting Papers ⭐️ Headphones ⭐️ Highlighters ⭐️ Hole Punches ⭐️ Index Cards ⭐️  Instruments ⭐️ iPads ⭐️ iPods ⭐️ Keys ⭐️ Labels ⭐️ Laptops ⭐️ Learning Links ⭐️ Letter Tiles ⭐️ Magnet People ⭐️ Magnetic Pattern Blocks ⭐️ Magnetic Tape ⭐️ Magnets ⭐️ Magnifying Glasses ⭐️ Markers ⭐️  Masking Tape ⭐️  Measuring Cups ⭐️  Modeling Clay ⭐️  Money ⭐️  Money & Time Cards ⭐️  Music ⭐️  Note Books ⭐️  Notebook Paper ⭐️  Number Cards ⭐️  Paint Bottles ⭐️  Paint Boxes ⭐️  Paint Brushes ⭐️  Paper Bags ⭐️  Paper Clips ⭐️  Pattern Blocks ⭐️  Pencil Erasers ⭐️  Pencil Grips ⭐️  Pencil Sharpeners ⭐️  Pencils ⭐️  Pens ⭐️  Pentominoes ⭐️  Permanent Markers ⭐️  Pipe Cleaners ⭐️  Play Dough ⭐️  Playing Cards ⭐️  Pointers ⭐️  Popsicle Sticks ⭐️  Protractors ⭐️  Push Pins ⭐️  Puzzles ⭐️  Remote Controls ⭐️  Ribbon ⭐️  Ring Clips ⭐️  Rubber Stamps ⭐️ Rulers ⭐️  Safety Pins ⭐️  Sand Timers ⭐️  Sanitizing Wipes ⭐️  Scissors ⭐️  Shape Punches Shaving Cream ⭐️  Small Snap Cubes ⭐️  Snap Cubes ⭐️  Solid Figures ⭐️  Sponge Brushes ⭐️  Stamp Pads ⭐️  Stamps ⭐️  Staple Removers ⭐️  Staplers ⭐️  Staples ⭐️  Stickers ⭐️  Sticky Notes ⭐️  Sticky Tack ⭐️  Straws ⭐️  Tacks ⭐️  Tangrams ⭐️ Tape ⭐️  Tissue Boxes ⭐️ Unifix Cubes ⭐️  Velcro ⭐️  Whisper Phones ⭐️ White Out ⭐️Whiteboard Erasers ⭐️ Whiteboards ⭐️ Yarn ⭐️ Zipper Bags

Create Your Own Labels
Need a label for something specific that isn’t included in the set? Now you can create your own bin labels using the Editable PowerPoint file included in the download.

This video will show you how to edit and customize your labels in PowerPoint.

(Although the video features my Classroom Library Labels, the process for these Classroom Supply Labels is the same.) You must have PowerPoint installed on your computer to edit the files. 

I used the free font KG Why You Gotta Be So Mean to design all of these labels. You may need to download and install the font on your computer to create matching labels with the Editable PowerPoint files. Click here to download the font for FREE

Not sure how to install a font? I’ve got you covered:
Video Instructions to install the matching font on your Mac
Video Instructions to install the matching font on your PC

Copyright © Maria Gavin


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