
Using Number Puzzles to Build Number Sense Up to 120

More than 120 days of school have passed, but we have not moved on from counting and building number sense up to 120. My class is doing such a beautiful job of learning to recognize and write all of their numbers from 1 to 120. I’m so unbelievably proud of

The Secret to Skip Counting in Kindergarten!

kindergarten student in classroom holding up completed skip counting chart that with colorful rainbow numbers

I’ve taught skip counting in kindergarten for a long time. Every year I use the Rainbow Skip Counting set from my TpT store, but I do it differently each time. This year, I found a way to make my students motivated and transform them into expert skip counters overnight!

Halloween Marshmallow Graphing Freebie and FUN!

Halloween is so much fun when you are a kindergarten student. When you are a Kindergarten TEACHER, however, the holiday can easily become crazy and stressful. So much sugar, so much excitement, so many costumes. The secret to any  successful holiday celebration in the classroom is keeping your students busy. If you can

Free Apple Number Writing Book to Master Number Formation

student traces number eight to complete a free apple number writing activity

In addition to all of the usual apple activities, I wove the apple theme in to my math and handwriting lessons. In math, my students are working on counting and number recognition. Most of my students can easily count objects and recognize numbers 0-10, but forming those numbers correctly is a different story. I created a free apple theme book to provide extra number writing practice for my students.

Teaching with my Classroom Calendar in Kindergarten

kindergarten classroom calendar

My kindergarten classroom calendar looks better than ever and is more interactive for my students. I’m so excited to show you all of the elements that make this space in my classroom special so you can create an attractive (and meaningful) calendar area in your own classroom.

A Rainbow of Skip Counting Fun in Kindergarten

Student holding "I can count by 2s" work page and reference tool to show competed work "differentiated rainbow skip counting"

We have been learning how to skip count in my Kindergarten classroom for the past 2 weeks and the students have had a BLAST!  You know how much I love adding a fun twist to any traditional instruction, so we even made a few trips outside to practice skip counting

100th Day of School Ideas for Kindergarten

Last week we celebrated the 100th day of school in my classroom, Kinder-Craze style. My students had a blast learning, counting and demonstrating their newly acquired knowledge of numbers and quantities up to 100. My camera was nearby throughout the entire event and I am so excited to share the

Mastering Numbers in the Teens and Twenties

As my class prepares for the 100th day of school, we are working on number writing and recognition. Everyone is FINALLY over the hump of those pesky numbers in the teens and twenties. I swear, the numbers in the teens are the hardest numbers to learn in the whole series

Flash Card Label Freebie

The Common Core requires kindergarten students to fluently add and subtract within 5. I created a flashcard set to help students master those early math facts. I have a minor obsession with Avery labels, so these have been formatted to print on Avery 5163 shipping labels. Each label is 2×4″

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