Looking to make your classroom the best it can be? Here you will find ideas and inspiration for classroom setup and decor; along with my best tips for classroom management.

A Look Inside My Clasroom Birdhouse
Spring has sprung and all of the “creature” studies are well underway in so many classrooms across the country. I’ve noticed many blog postings describing various bird eggs and hatchlings: Decorah Eaglets, quail, ducks, and more. This seems like the perfect moment to share a really exciting observation and learning

Personalized Paint Smocks
Every year my teaching partner and I put “paint smocks” on the Kindergarten supply list. We explain that it doesn’t have to be anything fancy (Dad’s old work shirt will do.) I’m sure you’re not surprised to hear that every year I have a few students that do not bring

Using Typewriters in the Classroom
Remember how I made the audio recording of Click, Clack, Moo Cows that Type for my kiddos? Well, there’s a very specific reason I selected that book as THE super-cool book motivating my students. I have two electric typewriters in my classroom and I used Click, Clack, Moo as the
mp3 Listening Center and Reading Response Form – FREEBIE!
We do the Daily 5 in my classroom. (Well, if I’m being perfectly honest, until recently it was just the Daily 3 – Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Work on Writing). About a month ago, my kiddos were finally ready to take on their fourth Daily 5 activity:
Classroom Library Organization
Literacy and Laughter is having a Classroom Library Linky Party! I gave my classroom library a HUGE makeover last summer so I am THRILLED to show it to you. I love having a classroom with bright colors so I did a lot of shopping around to find durable, affordable, colorful
Writing About our Good Deeds
I can’t believe Lent is nearly over! My kiddos are so excited that it is nearly Easter and they have truly enjoyed learning and loving others throughout Lent. Rather than emphasizing the idea of sacrifice during Lent, the Kindergarteners in my classroom have been putting kindness into action through Good
Free Bulletin Board Pennant Letters
Download a FREE copy of “Bulletin Board Pennant Letters” and start personalizing your classroom today!
My Favorite Decor Resources
Hi, I'm Maria.
After years of teaching kindergarten, I now focus on helping teachers and I’m here to make your job easier. When I’m not doing that you will find me playing with my kids, hanging with the hubby, or occasionally enjoying a little “me” time with an at-home manicure and a vanilla latte. Want to learn more? Check out my story below. I’m sure we have a lot in common!