Books about Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is coming up soon! (This year we will honor Dr. King on Monday, January 19). It’s important to teach young children about the impact Martin Luther King, Jr. had on our lives today. What better way to teach about this great man than with high
Christmas Parent Gift Idea for Kindergarten
For the past several years, I have done a directed drawing lesson with my students as their parent Christmas gifts. The children paint their drawings with watercolors and I frame the completed art projects in inexpensive frames from the dollar store before wrapping them up and sending them home. I have
25 Books About Santa
The Christmas countdown is on! If you are looking for some great stories about Santa to share in the classroom with your students (or at home with your children), here is a list of 25 books about Santa to get you started. This post contains affiliate links. I receive a
What Your Child’s Teacher Could Really Use for Christmas
The Christmas season is upon us and everyone is working on their holiday shopping lists. Before you buy that apple mug or school themed Christmas ornament for your child’s teacher, you may want to make a few minor adjustments to your list and purchase a more practical item that he or
St. Nicholas Day Shoe Coloring Page & Resources
I teach kindergarten in a Catholic school and every year on December 6 all of the classrooms in my school prepare for Saint Nicholas to visit. Students decorate a shoe or stocking of some type that will hold a special S. Nicholas Day treat on the morning of December 7. Last
Big Green Monster Kindergarten Watercolor Paintings
My students had a BLAST in our kindergarten classroom for Halloween last week, yet they were amazingly well behaved. We didn’t have a week full of candy and silliness. We had fun, but it was more academic in nature and it really helped my students to remain in control of
FREE Halloween Color by Number
Halloween is almost here and sometimes in the Halloween frenzy, a teacher just needs a few moments of sanity. My latest color by number page is just the ticket! This 8.5×11″ printed page separates into 2 smaller coloring pages. Students love the novelty of coloring on a 1/2 sheet
Ideas and Resources to Teach Constitution Day in Kindergarten
Today we celebrated Constitution Day in my kindergarten classroom. Since the Constitution can be such a very BIG idea for young little minds, we always put a patriotic spin on this very special day. To begin, the students arrive at school dressed in red, white and blue. Then the fun
Scenes from a Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea Party
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mommies out there! The students in my kindergarten class honored their mothers on Friday by inviting them to a very special Mother’s Day Tea Party. This was another big FIRST for my class in our new building and I could not be more pleased