
The Secret to Skip Counting in Kindergarten!

kindergarten student in classroom holding up completed skip counting chart that with colorful rainbow numbers

I’ve taught skip counting in kindergarten for a long time. Every year I use the Rainbow Skip Counting set from my TpT store, but I do it differently each time. This year, I found a way to make my students motivated and transform them into expert skip counters overnight!

A Rainbow of Skip Counting Fun in Kindergarten

Student holding "I can count by 2s" work page and reference tool to show competed work "differentiated rainbow skip counting"

We have been learning how to skip count in my Kindergarten classroom for the past 2 weeks and the students have had a BLAST!  You know how much I love adding a fun twist to any traditional instruction, so we even made a few trips outside to practice skip counting

100th Day of School Ideas for Kindergarten

Last week we celebrated the 100th day of school in my classroom, Kinder-Craze style. My students had a blast learning, counting and demonstrating their newly acquired knowledge of numbers and quantities up to 100. My camera was nearby throughout the entire event and I am so excited to share the


This week I came to the realization that I am done with winter. I’m tired of cold, snow, wind, ice, sleet, and gray skies.  So I began a personal crusade in my classroom to get rid of every wintery image. Snowflakes, snowmen, blue decor, everything – GONE. My new mantra has

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