The Secret to Skip Counting in Kindergarten!
I’ve taught skip counting in kindergarten for a long time. Every year I use the Rainbow Skip Counting set from my TpT store, but I do it differently each time. This year, I found a way to make my students motivated and transform them into expert skip counters overnight!
A Rainbow of Skip Counting Fun in Kindergarten
We have been learning how to skip count in my Kindergarten classroom for the past 2 weeks and the students have had a BLAST! You know how much I love adding a fun twist to any traditional instruction, so we even made a few trips outside to practice skip counting
100th Day of School Ideas for Kindergarten
Last week we celebrated the 100th day of school in my classroom, Kinder-Craze style. My students had a blast learning, counting and demonstrating their newly acquired knowledge of numbers and quantities up to 100. My camera was nearby throughout the entire event and I am so excited to share the
This week I came to the realization that I am done with winter. I’m tired of cold, snow, wind, ice, sleet, and gray skies. So I began a personal crusade in my classroom to get rid of every wintery image. Snowflakes, snowmen, blue decor, everything – GONE. My new mantra has