
BIG NEWS for Fans of Interactive Sight Word Readers

I have really big news to share today. Huge news, really. If you are a fan of my Best-Selling Interactive Sight Word Readers, this message is for YOU. Today I published my 100th Interactive Sight Word Reader and updated the Bundle of Books to include ALL 100 titles.

One hundred books! Can you believe it? I am still in awe of the popularity of these little books. When I first created them for my own students, I never dreamed that they would become such an essential resource in SO many classrooms. The sincere and heartfelt praise I have heard from other Kindergarten and First Grade teachers about these little books has truly filled my heart with joy. Thank you.

Purchase the best-selling Bundle of Books on Teachers Pay Teachers

This day has been over a year in the making and I KNEW that I wanted the milestone to be special. I saved two very special books to be the 99th and 100th titles added to the collection. I am SO excited about both of these books because they are perfect for the season and will be incredibly motivating for young students. With themes to fit the Winter Olympic Games and the 100th Day of School, I know these are sure to be a hit.

perfect emergent reader for the Winter Olympics Perfect emergent reader for the 100th day of school

(And how fitting is it that the 100th book in the collection is about being 100 years old?)

About the Books

Just in case you have been living under a rock and have not discovered my Interactive Sight Word Readers, let me show you what you’ve been missing! Here is a peek at “When I am 100…
adorable emergent reader for the 100th day of school
The title of each book displays the featured sight word in bold bubble letters. My students always color this word. I like that it makes them really pay attention to all of the letters while they color (the time this requires makes it a more effective method of studying the letters than simply tracing the letters).
adorable emergent reader for the 100th day of school
Each page inside of the book contains a predictable sentence with the very-important featured sight word missing from the page. See those boxes? Students cut out letters, unscramble them, and paste each letter into the boxes on the page. A cutting sheet with all of the scrambled letters is also included in the pack.
"When I am 100…" emergent reader for the 100th day of school
"When I am 100…" emergent reader for the 100th day of school
Once the letters have been glued into place, it is time to color. This particular book contains Melonheadz graphics so you just KNOW how fun they are to color.
"When I am 100…" emergent reader for the 100th day of school
Once the book is complete, it is the perfect addition to my students’ book boxes.
Interactive Sight Word Reader for the 100th day of school
Now, I know I promised you a HUGE announcement about these little books so I won’t keep you waiting any longer…

It’s Here! An All-New Bundle

I have decided to begin a new chapter for my Interactive Sight Word Readers. The Bundle of Books will be capped at 100 titles and a new bundle is already in the works. The file has been getting so enormous on my computer that I often found myself wondering how to handle the tremendous size and value of the original Bundle of Books. I have been thinking and praying over this decision for quite some time (nearly 2 months if you can believe it). The reasons for the change are numerous and complicated. A few of the big reasons are that the file size is enormous and my very powerful computer often struggles with opening and closing the Bundle file every time I add to it. With a savings of 50%, the value of the Bundle of Books is undisputed, but the price has been rising and I just can’t bring myself to charge more than $50 for a single product. I’m a teacher too and I know how precious a teacher’s income is. There are many other reasons for the change, but I will spare you the tiny details.

The good news about the Bundle of Books, Part 2 is that this product is starting at an INCREDIBLY low price and (just like the original bundle) it will come with the benefit of free updates each time new books are added to the set. You definitely want to purchase it now while the price is low.

The ALL-NEW Bundle of Books Part 2 from Maria Manore

The NEW Look

PLUS, all new books will have an updated cover style so you can tell in an instant which bundle any individual book is located in. I am SOOOO excited for the new look. The style and formatting of the actual student books will remain the same. (Why change a classic?) Only the cover and teacher information pages are getting a facelift.

Ready to see the new look?

BRAND NEW Interactive Sight Word Reader from Maria Manore
Exciting, right?!? I cannot wait to start filling my store with these new Interactive Readers.

The Bundle of Books, Part 2 features:
Color Words
Number Words
ALL-NEW sight words
More non-seasonal books
More words from the First Grade Dolch List
More Integration of Math, Science, and Social Studies themes

Click on any of the product covers to buy the new books individually, or save big and invest in the Bundle of Books, Part 2.

emergent reader for sight word "ALWAYS" emergent reader for sight word "BEST" emergent reader for sight word "BLACK"
emergent reader for sight word "COLD" emergent reader for sight word "FIND" emergent reader for sight word "FIVE"
emergent reader for sight word "BY" emergent reader for sight word "FLY" emergent reader for sight word "FROM"
emergent reader for sight word "GOING" emergent reader for sight word "GOOD" emergent reader for sight word "HER"
emergent reader for sight word "HIM" emergent reader for sight word "LONG" emergent reader for sight word "MAKE"
emergent reader for sight word "NOT" emergent reader for sight word "OLD" emergent reader for sight word "PUT"
emergent reader for sight word "ROUND" emergent reader for sight word "STOP" emergent reader for sight word "TAKE"
emergent reader for sight word "THESE" emergent reader for sight word "THEIR" emergent reader for sight word "TOO"
emergent reader for sight word "TWO" emergent reader for sight word "USE" emergent reader for sight word "WALK"
emergent reader for sight word "WASH" emergent reader for sight word "WISH" emergent reader for sight word "WORK"
emergent reader for sight word "YES"

Bundle of Books Giveaway

UPDATE: I’m so sorry that you missed out on the giveaway, but the Bundle of Books is still a great value!
Bundle of Books

Share Your Thoughts

The new bundle will be created with you in mind! 
What would you like to see? 

All-New sight words? Seasonal books? Non-Seasonal books?
Two separate bundles (one with seasonal titles and one with only non-seasonal books?)
Do you have any specific theme/sight word requests?

What about the original Bundle of Books?

Now that is it finally complete, would you like to see all books available in one giant PDF? Or would you prefer a zip file containing with 100 separate books? Or do you love the way it is currently organized?

Leave a comment with all of your thoughts and ideas. Your opinion is so valuable to me!

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Maria Gavin

Maria is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, with 13 years of teaching experience. Her love and passion for all things early childhood is now fulfilled as a mom to two amazing kids. She loves sharing practical and creative tips and ideas that are perfect for young learners – in the classroom or at home!

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36 Responses

  1. The current format of the Bundle works for me. I have a new computer at school and fairly new one at home, so they can handle the file size. What would be nice is a master list of titles. One document to open and see all 100 tittles and what bundle they are in. Then I would know which one to open. 🙂 i.e. When I am 100… bundle 3

    I have 10 books waiting for me next week, and I can’t wait to use them. Thanks for this great resource.

  2. I like the format of the original bundle. I love that I can access @ TPT so I don’t have to save it on my personal computer. Thank you so much for these books. I have been using them since you started making them. I am downloading your newest book right now. Thank you.

  3. WOW! I love using your books in my classroom. These books have helped not only with sight word reading but also having the kids cutting for fine motor development. I like your format now but a master list would be helpful!
    Thanks again and I can’t wait to see the next surprise from you!

  4. I agree about having a Master list. Also, it would be nice to have a guide of which sight words are in which book. I know many of us all teach sight words in different order, so perhaps it would be beneficial to have a quick reference. I would love to win the bundle- can’t wait to find out the details! Thank you Maria for all of your hard work!

  5. These books are so wonderful! I appreciate all the time and effort you put into each one. I’m all about bundling, and I love your new book look.

  6. I would love new words! Maybe even some more first grade words. I also love having them in a big bundle, that I can print off at once, instead of opening each file one at a time. Love the new layout, thank you!

  7. I am so glad that I stumbled across your bundle almost 2 years ago! My students love working with them each week!!! I would love to see some non-fiction books, possibly covering some of our social studies and science standards that we can incorporate into reading (living/non-living, five senses, famous Americans, etc.). I can’t wait to purchase the new bundle when it is available! 🙂

  8. These books have been a life saver for my students and me for learning sight words! I would love to see seasonal and non-seasonal books. Sometimes it is hard to line up the sight words that my district says I have to teach each semester with the books you create per season. Can’t wait for that new bundle to arrive! 🙂

  9. Wow! These books are amazing. During a conversation with my assistant principal she mentioned how those were great and she loved that I used them because they’re building the sight words but also using reading skills too. In the new pack I would love to see non-seasonal books just in case the sight word I teach doesn’t align with the books theme when I teach it. With the original book bundle, I don’t prefer one over the other but just which their was a master list to show all the book names with the sight word in it. Thanks so much for all your hard work!

  10. Love these books! My students love them, and their parents always comment on how cute they are. I agree that a master list would be very helpful!
    Thanks again, Maria!

  11. That’s big news! How perfect that the 100th book is for 100th day?!?!? 🙂 I prefer nonseasonal so that I can use the book when I see students struggling with a particular word or when we cover it in our homework. It also make it easier for me to differentiate!

    Teacher at Heart

  12. I like the seasonal books! I love these books because many of my students struggle with sight words and I am always looking for new ways to reinforce sight words. I also would like mini bundles according to season rather than one huge bundle because it may be too much on my computer. Thank you!

  13. My kids cheer whenever I pull out the book for the day! I LOVE them and can’t wait for more words, so all of the words are covered with a book! My kiddos are LOW SES, so this way they’re getting books at home to practice on!

  14. My kids love, love, love these books! I also like the fact that I can view them at TPT and don’t have to save them to my computer. Thanks for a great product. Am looking forward to the new one you hinted at. Carol

  15. I would love to have them all separated in a zip so that it is easier to find specific titles without going through the entire bundle.

    It would also be great to list the books by sight word first so that it is alphabetical by sight word ie. HER – The Builder has HER Tools.

    I would also love it if they were separated into seasonal and non-seasonal books, just so that it’s easier for newer users to really grasp what is available for seasonal activities.

  16. I prefer non-seasonal because I have a set order for sight words according to our pacing. I agree with listing the title by sight word first, easy to organize. For a master list, it would be nice to have the theme/topic listed too so I can see quickly if the book is going to fit for the week when I’m required to teach it. I LOVE this product!

  17. How exciting!! I like the way the current bundle is organized, but would also be gone with individual files.
    Can’t wait to see the surprise tomorrow!!!!

  18. I have bundle one – is it crazy I’m excited about bundle 2??
    As far as sight words – the more practice the better I say so maybe some new books with same focus, maybe some new words. I would LOVE a whole collection f seasonal-thematic books!!! I hope you might consider this 🙂
    I’ll be looking for the new bundle on tpt. Any idea when you might debut for purchase?
    Thanks – Connie

  19. We LOVE your books in my kindergarten class. I would love to see some sight word SENTENCE builders. Books in which the children put the words in order!!!! Any possibility of that? Can’t wait to purchase the new bundle. I didn’t get the first one in the beginning, but the price paid has ben worth EVERY penny!

  20. I love using your books. The kids love using your books. I live in New Zealand so prefer your non- seasonal books as often the seasons/special events related books don’t quite fit for me. Would love to see books about Mum and Dad. My kids always put their books into their book boxes and love sharing them with their buddy readers from the senior classes. Thank you so much for all your time and effort.

  21. I “bought” bundle 1, 2, 3 last year as part of a fundraiser i believe. Any way I could get only the books not included in those 3 sets?

  22. I love your interactive sight word books! The covers provide a rainbow writing opportunity. The children write the words on each page before I give them the words to cut and paste. This is provides more practice for the children to learn the words. Then I have them cut and paste the letters to create the word. The early finishers write their own sentences on the blank pages to extend the book and their learning on writing sentences. Thank you for the wonderful products!!!

    1. You are so sweet, Cindy! I’m so happy you love my Interactive Readers. Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your thoughts!

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Hi, I'm Maria.

I’m a former kindergarten teacher turned work-from-home mom. I still love sharing ideas and resources to make teaching easier, so you can focus on what really matters in the classroom. When I’m not working on the blog, you’ll find me chasing kids around the house with a cold cup of coffee in my hand (some things never change even once you’re out of the classroom!)


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