
Teacher Pregnancy Reveal Free Download

In case you haven’t heard the good news, let me let you in on my little secret: I’m going to be a mom! My husband Rob and I are so excited to be parents this July. We announced the big news to our family and friends last week and shared

Changes In My Classroom This Year

My classroom looks and feels a lot different this year than it has in the past. For one thing, there are 17 students in my class this year. Ten of those students are full-day students in what had been a solely half day kindergarten classroom. There’s also another teacher in the room. And

Looking Back on an Incredible 2015

2015 Kinder Craze Year in Review

As I sit in my office staring at my posted goals for 2016, I can’t help but reflect on the past year. To say that it has been incredible is an understatement. 2015 was the most joyous, transformative and wonderful year that I can recall. So much happened, and I

My Decision to Teach Part Time this Year

Part Time Teaching

Do you ever feel like everything in the blogosphere is a huge announcement? I don’t have a huge announcement to make on the blog today (because not everything should be a mega announcement), but I do have a little update to share with you today. This year, I am only teaching part

Before You See My Classroom, There’s Something You Should Know

As you know, I decided to completely redecorate my classroom this year. Just like my old classroom, this year’s decor is the result of a partnership between myself and Melanie from Schoolgirl Style. I spent the month of August working in my classroom, making decisions about all of the big

A Kinder Craze Birthday: Celebrating 3 Wonderful Years

Today is a day to reflect and celebrate. Three years ago, I hit “publish” on my very first blog post and in that instant, Kinder Craze was born and my life would forever change its course. Back then, Kinder Craze was just a little bitty baby blog and I was

My Top 14 in 2014 #bestyearever

Can you believe there are only a few weeks left of 2014? As I reflect back on the year, only one word comes to mind: BLESSED. My 2014 has been filled with so many blessings and so much joy, I am joining the fun with Hadar from Miss Kindergarten, Kristin

Announcing . . . the Crazy Together Blog!

Friends, I have news. BIG news. Many of you have been patiently waiting my next big announcement ever since I revealed the new look of Kinder Craze. For several weeks now, I have been busily working behind the scenes (trying to get every last detail just right) and I am SO

My Classroom Wasn’t Ready (And it was OK)

kindergarten students reading independently on the floor in a classroom that wasn't ready

Friends, I have confession to share with you today. It’s about my classroom. You know… my beautiful classroom. Last year, it wasn’t ready on the first day of school. Oh it was pretty and lanterns were hanging. And people walked in the room and gushed about how lovely it was.

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