
Say Hello to the Otto Storage Stool My New Favorite Teacher Chair

Now that I am finally adjusting to all of my classroom changes this year, I’ve had a chance to rearrange a few things that just haven’t been working for me and fall into a groove that fits our classroom needs.  We are already seven weeks into the school year and it

Student Name Tag Management Idea

Ever since my big classroom reveal, I have been getting dozens of questions about how I manage materials and use all the little spaces of my classroom. I am going to try to address as many of your questions as possible in the coming weeks, starting with how I manage

Cutest-Ever Supply Pails

I just can’t stop myself from adding new improvements to my classroom! This week I was at it again by giving my center for extra student supplies a fresh new look. I created what just might be the cutest-ever pails to hold classroom supplies. Setting the Scene I have a

A Freebie for Classroom Organization

My first day of school is only 9 days away and I have been throwing myself into my classroom trying to get everything “just right.” With my boards and decorations nearly finished, I started to focus on a few organizational details. First up, labeling my daily bins for organizing all

Sterlite Drawers Revisited: A Follow-Up to Help You Fancy Up

At the end of May, I shared my post on how to Fancy Up Your Sterlite Drawers and the comments and questions keep rolling in. Apparently, people just LOVE fancy Sterlite Bins. The big question from visitors was “would it work if you used Mod Podge?” I did not have

Fancy Up Your Sterlite Drawers

A while ago I saw the most ingenious idea on Pinterest: use scrapbook paper to fancy up clear Sterlite drawers. I have several sets of Sterlite drawers in my classroom and I got a head start on my summer bucket list by lining ALL of them. Like so many of

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