With all of the Halloween festivities about to begin, it’s easy for All Saints Day to get lost in the shuffle. But for Catholic School teachers, November 1 is an important day of honoring the Saints. I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to find quality, engaging resources about the lives of the Saints that are appropriate for young children. I rounded up some of my favorite resources about the Saints from Amazon and Teachers Pay Teachers that are perfect for Kindergarten. And if you purchase most of the items early this week, they will arrive in time for All Saints Day!
This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. I receive a small commission each time someone makes a purchase through one of my links, which allows me to continue sharing this type of post with you. I hope you discover your new favorite Catholic resource!

Saint Prayer Cards
When I was in 8th grade, my teacher often gave every student in the class a prayer card. Even as an 8th grader, I remember being mesmerized by the images on the cards. We were also given a small photo album from the dollar store and we kept our collection of prayer cards in the photo album. Every student had their prayer card collection in their desk all year long. Now, I realize that it can get very pricey to provide every single student with a collection of prayer cards about the Saints, but it’s very affordable to order just one set of prayer cards and to keep them in the classroom. Place the cards in a small photo album or laminate and place them on a binder ring for students to peruse.
I guarantee your kindergarten students will be mesmerized and it will quickly become a favorite resource in the classroom. This particular set of Holy Cards on Amazon includes 54 prayer cards and sells for $6.19 (plus it’s Prime eligible!)
Shining Light Dolls
What better way to teach young children about the Saints than with small toys that they can actually touch! I discovered Shining Light Dolls last year and fell in love with these simple, child-friendly toys. Each Shining Light Doll comes with a little foldable card with an image of the Saint, a few facts, the Saint’s feast day, and often a prayer or notable story of the Saint.
Saint Nicholas is the Patron Saint of my classroom (each class at my school has a Patron Saint) and I recently ordered Saint Nicholas to help me introduce St. Nicholas to my kindergarteners next week. I also own Saint Nicholas and plan to take him out in March.
Over two dozen Saint figures are available from Shining Light Dolls (including Saint Nicholas ) and they are available on Amazon! Click any of the images to shop.
The Saints: A Brother Francis DVD
High quality videos are one of the most difficult resources to find for Catholic educators. I sometimes show movies from the Beginners Bible Video Series, which are a wonderful supplement. But those videos are Protestant, which means they mostly focus on the Old Testament and they don’t mention the Saints at all. I recently discovered the Brother Francis Video Series on Amazon and I am so glad to finally find educational videos for the kindergarten classroom. And this particular video is the perfect way to bring the meaning of All Saints Day to kids.
I just added Brother Francis DVD: The Saints to my Amazon shopping cart yesterday and I can’t wait for it to arrive. I don’t often show movies in my classroom, but this one looks like it will be the perfect supplement to my All Saints Day lesson plan. I know how scary it can be to invest your hard-earned money on classroom resources when you’re not sure what you’ll be getting. Fortunately, Brother Francis posted a preview of the video on YouTube!
Books About The Saints
Of course books are always a great resource for the classroom. I found a few books on Amazon that seem to be high-quality and appropriate for young learners.
Can You Find Saints?
This book puts a religious spin on the popular Where’s Waldo and I Spy book series. Who says religious books have to be boring? Any time that we can put a faith-filled twist on a classic secular idea is a good thing in my book. If you’re looking for a good way to hook a child on the Saints, Can You Find Saints? is a great way to start!
The Saints Are Watching Over Me
Saints on the Go
Saint Statues from Little Drops of Water
TpT Resources about the Saints
Book publishers may not understand a kindergarten teacher’s need for high-quality resources that a young child can easily understand, but other elementary teachers certainly do! I rounded up a few of my favorite resources for teaching about the Saints that I found on Teachers Pay Teachers.
My First Saints Coloring Book
The My First Saints Coloring Book is one of the best resources about the Saints that I discovered on TpT. It’s actually created by Little Drops of Water (the same company that makes those beautiful resin statues). Each page in the coloring book features a sweet, simple, and child-friendly image. The resource is priced at $4.95 and it includes 33 coloring pages.
You can also purchase individual coloring pages from Little Drops of Water on TpT for 95 cents each or full-color Saint posters for $1.56 each.
Catholic Saint Coloring Book
If you would rather make a purchase on TpT that supports a fellow teacher, then the Catholic Saint Coloring Book from Sara J Creations might be a better fit! Sara offers a wide array of Catholic and religious resources in her TpT store.
All Saints Day Book and Coloring Page
Another cute option for lower elementary classrooms is the All Saints Day Book and Prayer Page from Miss P’s PreK Pups. This downloadable book provides the basic facts about All Saints Day and is a great little supplement to your lesson plans for the Feast Day. Miss P also offers a variety of Catholic resources in her TpT store.
Favorite Catholic Saints Flash Cards
If you don’t want to invest in a class set of traditional prayer cards, these Favorite Catholic Saints Flash Cards from The Kennedy Adventures might be just the ticket. The set costs $5.97 and includes printable cards for 50 popular Saints. The Kennedy Adventures appears to be a new TpT shop, but the resources are mostly Catholic so it might be a great store to start following.
Free Book about St. Patrick
I also teach in a Catholic school and I know from personal experience that a Catholic educator’s personal budget is exceptionally tight. I am very blessed to be in a situation where I can develop Catholic resources for teachers to use in the classroom and share them free of charge. If you are looking for resources about specific Saints, my St. Patrick was a Saint Interactive Sight Word Reader is perfect for you.
The printable emergent reader teaches a few basic facts about St. Patrick. Students also have to cut out and glue letters to spell “was” on each page and complete the sentences. I really think you are going to love this book. Click the image below to download your FREE “St. Patrick was a Saint” book.
What's Your Favortie Saint Resource?
And there you have it! An extensive list of resources to help teach your kindergarten students about the Saints. Which of these items sounds like the best fit for your classroom? Do you know of another resource that you think would be a great addition to this list? Please leave a comment with your thoughts or suggestions. I would love to know what you think!
11 Responses
Hi, Maria! You are going to LOVE the Br. Francis movies! I use them in my 2nd grade classroom. I highly recommend episode 2 on the Mass. So good! Thanks for all of the great resource ideas. I also get a ton of ideas from the blog Catholic Icing. Have a great All Saints Day!
I love the idea of putting holy cards in a binder for the kids to look at! I teach a combination class of 1st and 2nd graders and I think my kids would so enjoy something like that! Throughout the year I teach my students about lots of the different saints of the church. CCC of America has some great videos about individual saints that I like to use. I haven’t seen the Brother Francis video you referenced, but I will certainly have to check it out. Thanks for all the great ideas!
I completely agree that finding good religion resources can be a struggle sometime – Thank you so much for putting this idea list together! My kiddo’s LOVE your interactive books as well 🙂 We do them often! Thanks so much for always sharing your great ideas!
I have two favorites to add:
1) Stella Marigold Art – Andrea creates the most beautiful paper dolls and coloring sheets. Her items are available in etsy https://www.etsy.com/shop/StellaMarigoldArt
2) happy saints – Victor Teh creates saints that are so cute, colorful and fun http://www.happysaints.com
These are great resources. My kiddos love the videos and the holy saint cards. IF I may please leave my friend and my TpT shop here, we also have a couple of Advent and Lent resources.
Thank you so much. Thanks for giving us these great posts.
I would love to know more about how your school incorporates a patron saint for each classroom. We’ve talked about doing this at our school and would love to hear your ideas. Thanks in advance!
I would I’ve been know more too!
I have started a “Saints Ring” for my students. I hole punch the top left corner of a holy saint card and add the card to a binder ring. As students receive new cards, they get hole-punched and added to the binder ring for easy access. My students LOVE having their own holy card ring and I love seeing them try to find a holy saint card that will give them comfort in difficult situations.
SQUEE! Thanks so much for sharing my resources, Maria! Many more on the way!
Love those little saint dolls. Too bad there is not one for the founders of my school (Lasallian or Vincentian).
I discovered a wonderful TPT site for the life and miracles of Jesus called Joy in the Journey by Jessica Lawler. She does several of the miracles of Jesus along with the life of Jesus. They are very cute and age appropriate for preschool (what I teach) through kindergarten and first grade, resources that are extremely hard to come by.
I also just discovered another one today in my search that looks pretty good. They have lots of resources from the Old that look age apporpriate and engaging as well. I haven’t purchased any of those yet but they look good.
Heartprints for Littles
Growing in Grace and Knowledge