
Erin Condren Life Planner Unboxing (and a GIVEAWAY)

Friends, I have a confession to make.

Yes, ANOTHER confession.
About ANOTHER addiction of mine.

I’m not just obsessed with cute storage containers or brightly colored tape dispensers. I am also obsessed with sparkly things. And personalized things. And a little ol’ somebody named Erin Condren. And her amazing Life Planner. As if the regular life planner wasn’t enough, Erin Condren just had to release a GOLD edition of her best-selling product and this girl just had to purchase one for herself. And because  I suspect you drool over her products as well, I took photos of my recent splurge and have a very special Erin Condren Life Planner UNBOXING to share with you. (I also have a little something special to giveaway at the end of this post.)

This post contains my Erin Condren affiliate link. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase using my link, which helps to support the blog. 

When my Life Planner arrived in the mail I couldn’t wait to open it. Unfortunately, I have been so busy lately, I didn’t have time to savor the experience, so my new planner just sat in my apartment. Lonely. Desperate to be opened. Waiting oh-so-patiently.

Until today.
Eek! I was so excited to FINALLY open it!  I gently ran a knife along the seal and slowly opened the lid. Can you feel the building suspense???
I opened the box to find my invoice, a $10 gift card, and a small catalog of other fabulous Erin Condren products.
And of course, more unwrapping ahead of me.

All that remained between me and my new Planner was a layer of bubble wrap.
There it is! 
The Gold Edition cost extra, but it is the perfect addition to my collection of sparkly things.
My first order of business was to get a Sharpie and claim it as my own.
Even the two-page calendar spread is pretty!
I flipped through the planner and fell in love all over again with each of the extra details: the laminated tabs, the sturdy bookmark, the double-pocket folder, the pouch full of personalized gift labels.

I especially love how my new Gold Edition Life Planner matches my gold iPhone case from Kate Spade. Isn’t it glorious when everything matches?

The Giveaway

Now that you have had a chance to fall in love with the magic of Erin Condren, you have a chance to win a $10 gift card to  Use the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win!
Erin Condren Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Want to see more shiny things that I love? Check out my Sparkle Pinterest board!

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Maria Gavin

Maria is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, with 13 years of teaching experience. Her love and passion for all things early childhood is now fulfilled as a mom to two amazing kids. She loves sharing practical and creative tips and ideas that are perfect for young learners – in the classroom or at home!

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115 Responses

  1. I love breaking into boxes when I get new games or books in the mail! I would also love to break into a planner like you did 🙂

    Home Sweet Speech Room

  2. I love breaking into anything that helps me get organized…binders, tab dividers, etc. and then making them all pretty with binder covers and new pens, etc.

    I also recently ordered a life planner from Erin Condren and am DYING for it to come! Thank you for sharing your opening with us….but now it makes me want my own even more! 🙂

  3. I just love to break into new teaching resources or manipulatives. I’m more of a “bust it open as quick as I can” kind of girl. I’m so excited, I just can’t wait!

  4. My son and daughter-in-law ordered an Erin Condren planner for me for my birthday…it should arrive this week!!! I can’t wait to open it…I think I’ll savor it the way you did! 🙂

  5. I recently purchased an Erin Condren teacher planner. LOVE IT. I love it so much I bought one for my teaching partner. At least 3 other teachers at my school bought planners too!! I was really tempted by the life planner… but I came to realize that the lesson planner is basically my life! HA!
    Kinder Colors

  6. I am like most teachers—anything like Scholastic books, teacher materials, etc. Those are our favorites to open. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience with us.

  7. That gold design is STUNNING!! I usually am not as interested in her designs, but this one is lovely! 🙂

    I always get too excited about opening boxes from Amazon. Soon, I will be getting my first Really Good Stuff box. Too excited!

    Congrats on your new purchase.
    Miss A’s Kindergarten

  8. I’m that way when my Project Life kit from Citrus Twist arrives. I have to savor it!

    At school it’s when a box from Scholastic comes in. I just adore that new book smell!!

  9. I love diving into the school delivery! New supplies for the year! All fresh and new and clean! I love opening books! I love surprise packages! Ok so I guess I like opening just about anything- except those bills:( lol

  10. I love breaking into the Scholastic book order. Love new books and I love how the kids are excited to get their new books! Great giveaway! I just purchased a Teacher Planner from her:)

  11. I love breaking into new supplies and setting up my yearly notebook and putting dates in my new calendar and organizing the children’s supplies…I could go on and on since I love how fresh and new everything is at back to school time! After 20 years of teaching new things keep ME fresh and up to date as well. I do still have some favorite things that I have used for all 20 years that are not going anywhere. Some things are classic and will never go out of style in the classroom! 🙂

  12. I love breaking into things I have been wanting to buy for a while and have saved for quite a while! To know that they are finally here makes me a happy girl!

  13. I love breaking into anything new for school! I often order supplies and new items from catalogs like Really Good Stuff and I just love breaking into them when they arrive in August 🙂

  14. I love all things sparkly too, my husband complains because there is never a moment in life when we have no glitter remains in the house! My mom always finds a speck on my cheeks as well 🙂 I have to check out that gold planner!

  15. I pretty much love to open any new product! But I’m a fan of school supplies, of course . . . paper, pens, notebooks, etc….. I love the smell of new books!

    And I’ve been drooling over Erin Condren planners for months, and your post may have just put me over the edge! I only made about 59 dollars in June on TpT, but that could be JUST enough to order a classic planner, especially if I win this gift card! 🙂

  16. I love breaking into new owl inspired products. I have had a childhood love of owls. I get so excited! I love your planner. Thanks for giveaway and good luck to all!

  17. I use Erin Condren’s life planner, too, and I love it! The bright colors just add happiness to my day.

    I love opening boxes with new books inside, new stationery, and packages full of new pens!

  18. I have an obsession with pens, markers, etc, so I aam usually ripping the package open in my car and scribbling on the packaging in the parking lot! Lol
    Thanks for the give away!

  19. I love when school supplies come in the mail. Love the Really Good Stuff catalog and all the organizing bins. I, too, have an obsession with bins. I think it must be a teacher thing!
    BTW–bought your bundle of sight word books and I LOVE THEM! Found the George Washington one last year and became obsessed after that. Good thing I don’t have to wait for those in the mail!

  20. I bought my own life planner last year, I love ❤ it so much. I gave them as gifts to my daughter & my sons girlfriend. They’re so AMAZING! I SHOW MINE OFF EVERY CHANCE I GET! I GET SO MUCH LOVE ❤ &ENJOYMENT OUT OF DECORATING MINE, MAKING IT MY OWN OF COURSE USING SCRAPBOOKING STICKERS &LOTS!!! OF RHINESTONES

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Hi, I'm Maria.

I’m a former kindergarten teacher turned work-from-home mom. I still love sharing ideas and resources to make teaching easier, so you can focus on what really matters in the classroom. When I’m not working on the blog, you’ll find me chasing kids around the house with a cold cup of coffee in my hand (some things never change even once you’re out of the classroom!)


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