
Mother’s Day Tea Party Pics

Happy Mother’s Day! The kindergarten Tea Party was on Friday and was a success! This is a very special event so students and Moms arrived for the Tea Party dressed in their “Mother’s Day Best.” All of the Moms were raving about how sweet of an event it was. Since I had been hyping it up on the blog for so long, I thought you would like to see a few photos from the actual event.

Tea Party Update

After writing this post, I created a complete set of printables to help you plan your own Mother’s Day Tea Party. You can create an extra-sweet atmosphere for your students with the help of these editable printables. Read more about how to create a sweet Mother’s Day Tea Party in your classroom.

cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party
cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party
cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party

Purchase the Mother’s Day Tea Party Printable Pack from my TpT Store.
cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party
Here are a few photos taken before the Mother’s Day Tea Party began. As you can see, the event was held in the gym. The students created the placemats in class and we purchased inexpensive flowers from Christmas Tree Shops to use as centerpieces. My teaching partner makes a trip to a local bakery to pick up the beautiful tea cookies each year and the “silver” platters are from the Dollar Tree. They are such a bargain because they look so expensive!

cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party

We also served coffee at the tea party 🙂

cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party

So we decorated the gym the night before and got everything ready to go. We even prepared the coffee makers ahead of time. The day of the party, we just did a few small items (plug in the coffee pots, cut lemon slices, set out the coffee creamer and milk). We asked the moms to bring their favorite teacup or mug to the event.

Our Tea Party began at 10:00 and we invited the Moms to arrive at 9:45 so they have a chance to find their place, help themselves to coffee and tea and get settled before the kindergarteners arrive. Once all of the Moms were seated and ready, the students joined them in the gym.

The kindergarten students had been very busy learning songs and poems in class. They walked into the gym quietly and set their “Forever Bouquet” projects face-down on the floor. The students performed their poems in unison (scroll down to see which poems we use). Our final poem was the Mother’s Day Poem, which explained that the Moms deserved a bouquet that would last forever. Just as the class began to recite this final line of the poem, they all bent down and quickly picked up their handprint artwork, which they held out and displayed for their audience. (We practiced this many times and the final performance was PERFECT!)
adorable handprint art that looks like a bouquet of flowers. Great idea for Mother's Day!
cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party

After the performance, the children walked around the tables to find their Moms, give them a hug, and deliver their artwork. After a quick hug and a kiss, the children walked back around the tables to find their own seat and join the Mothers for tea and cookies (students drank juice).
cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea partyThe rest of the Tea Party was a nice relaxing experience for all! Students and Moms visited with each other and enjoyed the refreshments. Just as the students began to grow restless, the principal called them over for one last surprise for the Moms. She read the story “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch aloud and each time she arrived at the verse I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be the students sang those words together. This also was rehearsed many times beforehand and the final product was very sweet.

cute ideas for celebrating Mother's Day in the classroom with a kindergarten tea party

After the story, the Tea Party was nearly complete. Lots of Moms took their last few photos of the children and their friends. The teachers had painted a photo backdrop for the event (which was a hit) and many “couples’ came to have their picture taken in front of the backdrop.

And there you have it! A lovely Tea Party for Mother’s Day. I have been posting about many of the details as the students and I prepared for the big event. If you would like additional information, these posts may be helpful to you.

Invitations to the Tea Party
“Forever Bouquet” poem and handprint art 
“Cup of Tea” poem and backdrop painting
Making the placemats and writing letters to Mom

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Maria Gavin

Maria is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, with 13 years of teaching experience. Her love and passion for all things early childhood is now fulfilled as a mom to two amazing kids. She loves sharing practical and creative tips and ideas that are perfect for young learners – in the classroom or at home!

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17 Responses

  1. I love this idea! We had a Popsicles on the Playground event on Friday to get parents to school one last time before end of the year field trips, but I love the idea of a Mother’s Day Tea Party! Thanks for sharing all your ideas and pictures of the decor!

    Lil’ Country Kindergarten

    1. We have an issue with a mom not being able to attend every year. Grandmas, aunts, even a special teacher on staff can attend in place of a Mom- any special woman that the child would like to share the day with.

  2. I love your blog. I’m particularly interested in your Mother’s Day tea information.
    We’re planning a Mom’s Night at our school and love some of your ideas. I noticed some of the links were not working so I could not see what poems you used. Is there any way I can find these poems, etc.?

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Hi, I'm Maria.

I’m a former kindergarten teacher turned work-from-home mom. I still love sharing ideas and resources to make teaching easier, so you can focus on what really matters in the classroom. When I’m not working on the blog, you’ll find me chasing kids around the house with a cold cup of coffee in my hand (some things never change even once you’re out of the classroom!)


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