
Announcing the Fresh New Look of Kinder Craze

You may notice that things look a bit different around here and I am beyond thrilled to finally share the fresh new site design with you today! This update has been a labor of love that I have spent the past nine months planning and preparing to launch. Everything has

Viva Las Vegas! Reflections on #TpTVegas14

As I reflect on my experiences in Las Vegas for the FIRST EVER TpT conference, so many words come to mind: people, sellers, friendships, Freebielicious, TpT, energy, joy… the list goes on and on. I have been back in Michigan for a week and my body has finally recovered from

This Introverted #GIRLBOSS is Still Reflecting on Vegas

This post contains affiliate links. I earn a small commission each time someone makes a purchase through one of my links, which helps to support the blog. Right before I flew out to Vegas, I listened to the audiobook of #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. In it, the 30 year old

Watcha Shootin’ With? A Look At My Camera

You may have noticed that my little blog has undergone a few changes in the past year. In addition to having a new domain that is much easier to remember (, the photos and images I share in each post have substantially improved. When I first began my blogging journey,

Memories from the Michigan Blogger Meetup

I was so happy to meet many of the Michigan teacher-bloggers this past weekend in Grand Rapids! Based on the photo, can you tell where we met up? If you can’t figure it out, I promise I will tell you at the end of this post 🙂 Our little gathering

My Best & Brightest from 2012

As 2012 prepares to come to a close, I am overwhelmed by how many blessings I have experienced this year. Many of those blessings are a direct result of this humble little blog, so when I saw that Christina from Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge was hosting a Best & Brightest

Happy World Teacher Day!

Ah, teaching… long hours in the classroom managing dozens of little people, followed by a few more hours of work at home- pinning, planning and paper checking. Then getting up the next morning and doing it all over again. And yet…I love it. And I know you do too otherwise

Notice Anything Different?

No, your monitor does not need adjusting – Kinder-Craze just got a new blog design! The wonderful and talented Tricia from Tricia Nae Designs was fabulous through the entire process. By now, I think it’s fairly obvious to all of my readers that I am a Type-A Perfectionist and Tricia

Use PicMonkey to Easily Blur Faces in Photos (for PC and Mac)

PC users rejoice! Earlier this week I posted a video tutorial for Mac users on how to remove details from images (such as faces or student names) before posting photos online. After a little experimentation, I have a great solution for all of you PC users (or Mac users that

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