
This Introverted #GIRLBOSS is Still Reflecting on Vegas

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Right before I flew out to Vegas, I listened to the audiobook of #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. In it, the 30 year old entrepreneur and founder of Nasty Gal narrates her journey from Ebay seller to CEO of Nasty Gal, a wildly successful fashion retailer. The book is AMAZING and is a must-read for any woman that wants to succeed in the business world (as an employee or CEO). I can’t stop talking about being a #GIRLBOSS.

Don’t’ believe me?
Just ask my fiancé.
The poor guy can’t escape my #GIRLBOSS revelations.

#GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso… a must read for any woman hoping to succeed in business

One message from #GIRLBOSS that continues to leave an impression on me is what it means to be an introvert. Sophia identifies herself as an introvert and explains that introverts are fully capable of socializing, networking, and being out in the world in a big way among large groups, but they process those experiences in smaller groups or when they are alone.


I loved every moment of my Trip to Vegas. I loved the hugs, group events, and meeting throngs of educators within a relatively short amount of time. I even found myself squealing with glee during many of these events. But my mind is still processing every moment of the trip while I sit in the peace (and relative solitude) of my little apartment.

An update on all things VEGAS is coming soon, I promise.

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Maria Gavin

Maria is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, with 13 years of teaching experience. Her love and passion for all things early childhood is now fulfilled as a mom to two amazing kids. She loves sharing practical and creative tips and ideas that are perfect for young learners – in the classroom or at home!

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14 Responses

  1. Definitely going on my reading list! I was stressing about the TPT conference, and not knowing anyone there! My husband encouraged me to go, and of course he was right, everyone was super friendly and talkative. I just wish I could be more of an extrovert like him! : )
    Mrs. B’s Beehive

  2. I’m also an introvert! It’s part of the reason I didn’t go, but after seeing so many other introverts who went, I can no longer use that as an excuse! Can’t wait to read about your experience when you’ve finished processing! No rush!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  3. Hey Maria, I too am an introvert…in a family of extroverts! I blame my lack of dating on the fact that I’m an introvert!
    I can’t wait to read bout your trip to Vegas!

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Hi, I'm Maria.

I’m a former kindergarten teacher turned work-from-home mom. I still love sharing ideas and resources to make teaching easier, so you can focus on what really matters in the classroom. When I’m not working on the blog, you’ll find me chasing kids around the house with a cold cup of coffee in my hand (some things never change even once you’re out of the classroom!)


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