FAQ: All About My Framed Classroom Rules Posters
Ever since I unveiled my kindergarten classroom last fall, I have received weekly questions about so many elements of my classroom decor. Today I am thrilled to finally answer all of your questions about the classroom rule posters framed on my wall.
Silhouettes, File Cabinets, and Bright Colors, OH MY!
I recently shared a classroom photo on Instagram and was delighted to see the enthusiastic response from my fans. Kindergarten teachers don’t miss a beat and I received so many questions in regard to my file cabinets and the child silhouettes that are displayed throughout my classroom. This blog post is
Bright Idea: The Teacher’s Technology Station
I love incorporating technology into my instruction, but a little piece of me has always cringed to see the chaos of technology carts, cords, and a jumble of devices. My latest project has been to tackle the technology in my kindergarten classroom. I successfully found a way to put all
A Tiny Little Classroom Update
I have been in school for nearly 9 weeks, but the classroom improvements continue! As you know by now, I am teaching in a new building this year and I am lucky enough to teach in a classroom that is simply stunning (it was a collaborative project between myself and Melanie
Bright and Colorful Rainbow Chalkboard Kindergarten Classroom Tour
I am so happy to finally share my BRAND NEW Kindergarten classroom with you! My school moved into a new (to us) building this summer and life at school has been interesting, to say the least! Kinder-Craze fans on Facebook have been begging me to share classroom photos. I hope
My Biggest FAQ… Answered!
It is no secret that I taught in my dream classroom last year. I loved my room and I know that many of you did too, because I continue to get fresh new comments on that old blog post. I also get a lot of questions, especially about my alphabet
Big Changes for My Classroom
I have a secret to share with all of you. A big secret. One I have been DYING to share with you but I had to wait until just the right time. You know my beautiful kindergarten classroom? The one with all the pretty colors? The one that was a
Keep Calm Painted Canvas “Chalkboard” Tutorial
I recently shared my latest DIY for the classroom project: a chalkboard inspired painted canvas sign that reads “Keep Calm and Let Them Play.” When the Keep Calm craze swept across the internet last year, those two words became my mantra. Every time I felt overwhelmed or stressed I reminded
Planning the Perfect Mother’s Day Tea Party
Spring is here and I am in planning mode for one of my favorite days as a kindergarten teacher: our annual Mother’s Day Tea Party. This event is a HUGE tradition at my school. The kindergarten students have thrown a tea party to celebrate Mother’s Day for many years and