
Gift-Wrapped Headband Freebie for All Saints Day

I know everyone is buzzing right now in Halloween, but my Catholic kindergarten class has two big days in a row: Halloween AND All Saints Day. My Pre-K-1 building has a tradition of celebrating All Saints Day with an annual prayer service to honor the Saints.
Each classroom prepares for the prayer service by selecting a class patron Saint. As the big day draws near, we read stories about the class patron and create crowns that represent our Saint. Two children from each classroom are selected to participate in the prayer service in a special way (1 child reads/memorizes a few facts to recite about the Saint during the prayer service and another child brings an offertory gift to represent the patron).

My class Saint is St. Nicholas. I LOVE teaching my kindergarteners about St. Nicholas because they are amazed to learn that he is Santa.
free download to make cute gift-wrapped headbands
To remember and celebrate St. Nicholas’ spirit of giving, my class creates crowns that look like pretty gift-wrapped presents. These headbands are completely adorable and SO simple to make – they just require pretty scrapbook paper and matching construction paper. You know my obsession with bright and pretty colors, so of COURSE my students made crowns that are bright and pretty as well.

I know many educators do not teach about St. Nicholas (or any other Saints at school), but these crowns are also perfect for celebrating birthdays and other special occasions!

You can grab my FREE Craftivity to make Gift-Wrapped Headbands in your classroom too! The free download includes instructions (with photos) for creating the crowns, suggested paper dimensions, and a master template for copying the bow.

Prayer Space

I have a small prayer space in my classroom that we gather around to pray and learn about God each day. The table is updated each week to contain symbols of our current study. The items in our prayer space this week include a book about St. Nicholas, a pretty gift box, and a picture of St. Nicholas (in addition to our classroom bible and Rosaries).


This was a great book to read to the class- it provided a simple (somewhat fictionalized) account of St. Nicholas that my kinders were easily able to relate to.

st nicholas book

Have a Happy Halloween and a Blessed All Saints Day!

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Maria Gavin

Maria is a former kindergarten and first grade teacher, with 13 years of teaching experience. Her love and passion for all things early childhood is now fulfilled as a mom to two amazing kids. She loves sharing practical and creative tips and ideas that are perfect for young learners – in the classroom or at home!

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12 Responses

  1. i just found your sight and i’m a new follower. i’m a catholic homeschooling mom of 5 (with one on the way). i’m excited to see your lovely classroom & educational ideas and incorporation of our faith. i look forward to following and sharing your site with my eldest daughter (17yo) who is interested in teaching in a private (preferably Catholic) school.

    prayers for a Blessed All Saints Day & All Souls Day.

  2. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!! for sharing these cuties! I submitted a question about these on TPT, as well as left feedback. Thanks again.

  3. I just found your blog through Pinterest. I also teach kindergarten in a Catholic school. We celebrated All Saints day with gusto! My little students come to school dressed as their favorite saint. We go to mass, sing saint songs, play saint games and eat saint inspired snacks. It is a day of holy fun!
    Dixie from Las Vegas:)

    1. Hi Dixie! I LOVE it when other Catholic teachers discover the blog. Your All Saints Day celebration sounds wonderful! I’m sure your students treasured every moment of the day.

  4. I am a Catholic preschool teacher and I have been using your sight word booklets this year. My preschoolers are a pretty smart bunch and needed a challenge. Imagine my surprise when I started reading your blog and discovered you are a Catholic teacher as well!! I just signed up to start following your blog on a regular basis. Your stuff is fantastic and now I can follow your religious stuff, too. Thanks for all your creativity. I love it!

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Hi, I'm Maria.

I’m a former kindergarten teacher turned work-from-home mom. I still love sharing ideas and resources to make teaching easier, so you can focus on what really matters in the classroom. When I’m not working on the blog, you’ll find me chasing kids around the house with a cold cup of coffee in my hand (some things never change even once you’re out of the classroom!)


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