Hello visitor! Welcome to Kinder-Craze- a blog all about the roller coaster than is a Kindergarten classroom!
For the past few years I have been dreaming and fantasizing about how wonderful it would be to have my own blog and share the passions of my profession with other inspired educators. Today I finally decided to bite the bullet, seize the day, and a host of other expressions! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to begin this journey.
It is my goal to provide a high-quality blog that is a useful resource to other early childhood educators-particularly those who teach in a religious school because there just aren’t enough creative, hands-on ideas out there those of us who help youngsters develop a relationship with God. I know my blog is a bit sparse at the moment, but please check back again soon. I have so many wonderful and exciting ideas to share from my kindergarten classroom.
One Response
Dear Maria,
I have just read your entire blog! What an inspiration! As soon as I post this, I’m going shopping, to give my classroom a visual update! Next, I’ll be shopping at your TPT store. I can’t wait to tell my fellow K teachers about your blog!